Invited Speaker
Prof. Nadir Murru
Department of Mathematics, University of Trento, ItalySpeech Title: Multifactor RSA-Like Scheme Exploiting the Pell Equation
Abstract: RSA-like schemes are variants of the classical public key scheme RSA exploiting some groups defined over curves together to a parametrization. These schemes have been proposed in order to avoid some attacks to the RSA scheme (like in broadcast scenarios) and a
decryption procedure two times faster than RSA. We present an RSA-like scheme based on the group structure of the Pell conic with a parametrization which allows to exploit the Rédei functions for performing the exponentiations. Moreover, we see variants of this scheme involving modulus with more than two factors, which allow to achieve faster schemes. These variants are usually called Multifactor RSA and Multiprime RSA. The decryption procedure of our schemes appear to be faster than other RSA-like schemes based on curves, since a low number of modular inversions are involved.